Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Business Logo design

This is a logo project for a class

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is a flash video project for typography. The length was to be exactly 30 seconds. We had to include information on the font we decided to use and we could animate a quote or the entire video could be information about the font. I chose the brothers' prayer from "The Boondock Saints".

This was a request by a friend that wanted to see a dress combined with a flower.

This was a product packaging redesign for Stevita sweetener. We were divided into three person teams, we redesigned the sweetener packets and the "scoopable" box of sweetener.

This is the logo that I created for the Church With Out Walls in Lafayette, La

This was the first project of my Illustration class. We were told to illustrate something we are interested in using whatever medium we wanted. The swords in this were made 100% on Adobe the skull and background were the only things that I did not personally create.

This is a brochure I did for the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) for their summer missionaries. These were mailed out to local churches that support the BCM so that they could pray for the students on mission during the summer and even sent them an encouraging email.

This is a logo I designed for a local church that needed a separate logo for their college group.

This is a simple t-shirt design i did for the local Baptist Collegiate Ministry. They had a music theme for their freshmen survival and wanted an iPod themed shirt. The shirt is the color of the background.